The Village Green

Our Unique Village Green
Our Village Green is often said to be one of the most attractive on Exmoor.
It also remains one of the few Millennium Green Trusts, giving it a position of national importance. This status stems from the creation of the modern Green at the turn of the century. Prior to 2000 the Green was owned by developers who wanted to build houses on the site. This never happened and left the centre of our village badly neglected. Other than the children’s play area, the remaining space was a jungle of brambles and nettles.
As part of the celebrations to mark the new millennium, the government made available millennium trust grants to purchase and maintain such Open Green Spaces.
A very dedicated group in the village, came together to fund-raise more than £75,000 to purchase the site. This included barn dances, Bonfire Night celebrations, and ‘work in kind’ such as all the legal aspects, which a local solicitor undertook with no charge. This was a true community project lasting several years, involving residents, farmers and agricultural contractors. With all their help and two significant grants from the ‘Green Spaces’ scheme, the site was finally purchased, levelled, and transformed into the amazing heart of the village that we see today. While similar trusts had to hand over their assets to local government and other bodies as they ran out of money, the Brompton Regis Village Green was maintained by a dedicated group of volunteers supported financially by local organisations such as the Parish Council, Gymkhana and Show and Lunch Club.

The play area became part of the trust property and was re-equipped to provide endless fun and beneficial exercise for children – both locals and visitors.
During the pandemic, the trustees decided to develop the Green further by improving its biodiversity. This project to ‘Green the Green’ was also designed to encourage greater interest from the next generation.
Bird boxes and bug hotels (donated by local businesses) were installed. Fruit trees and a fruit hedge were planted up, as were the areas behind the seating areas with roses and other pollinator friendly plants going in. Bulbs were planted along the north walls and hedging trimmed back to make it denser for nesting birds.
A pond was created (newts and frogs have returned, and hedgehogs have a new place to drink) with the neighbouring patch being sown with wildflower seed provided by Exmoor National Park.
All of the hard work over more than two decades has created a place of peace and beauty at the heart of our community (between the pub and the church), with sweet smells of various flowers and the gentle buzzing of bees and other insects collecting pollen, while providing a space for children to kick around a football and village residents (often with visiting family and other non-natives) to host special events to bring the community together. Both the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the King’s Coronation were celebrated over an extensive lunch on the Village Green.
Long may it continue to provide such abundant and natural enjoyment for humans and animals alike.

The Village Green Team
The Village Green is administered by The George Meadow Millennium Green Trust on behalf of the Village
The current trustees are Jennifer Stringer, David Hannah, Charles Stewart-Smith, Matthew Headley, Dale Cherry, Maria Lloyd, Ros Dawson and Tom Stephens