Brompton Regis Show and Gymkhana

Save the date! This year’s show is on Saturday 9 August 2025

The Biggest Little Show Around

The annual Brompton Regis Gymkhana and Show dates back many years. On Saturday 14 August 1954, the first Summer Fete was held. The following year, it was decided to organise a pony gymkhana on the same day and it became known as the Brompton Regis Gymkhana and Summer Fete. The show still retains a traditional mix of uniquely British activities: showjumping and competitions for horses and ponies; dog show and scurry; tea and cake, BBQ and other refreshments; competitions for home baking and homegrown fruit and vegetables; tombola, raffle and much, much more.

The show attracts a huge number of visitors each year, both local and from across the world.

As well as a fantastic day out for all the family, the show is the main fund-raising event for the community, with about £8,000 being made each year. The funds are distributed by the Show Committee to support a variety of local charitable activities and help develop community amenities.

In addition to income from the gate and money raised by the stalls, local businesses and individuals, keen to support such a worthy cause, provide generous sponsorship.

The sheer range of activity can be seen if you stand on the gate at the end of the day as people leave to pick up their cars from the field opposite, after the last of the ponies and horses have headed home: a coconut from earlier success on the shy; a massive Victoria Sponge and an armful of vegetables from the end of the day auction; the chug of an ancient tractor as it heads home for another year in the barn before rejoining the antique tractor stand with its friends next year; dogs showing off their rosettes proudly, while a wheelbarrow full of irises and lilies from the flower stall gets ready for planting.

It’s the team of enthusiastic and willing volunteers who make the show such a success.

This, and so much more, is what makes the Brompton Regis Gymkhana and Show the biggest little show around.

Follow us on Facebook for updates about this year’s show on 9 August 2025