Support for local victims of crime

”Avon and Somerset Victim Support’ is part of the national charity ‘Victim Support’. It provides information, advice and support to anyone who has been a victim of a crime – any crime. The service is provided by volunteers and caseworkers, usually by phone. Meetings with people can be arranged too. 

When responding to a report of a crime the local police team routinely refer people to the charity. 

People who don’t feel they need support at that time, or have not reported a crime that then causes them concern, can make direct contact with the service.

The charity’s national website provides information at: Home – Victim Support

The Avon and Somerset service can be contacted via:

  • the 24 hour support line on 08 08 16 89 111
  • the live online ‘chat’ service at Live chat – Victim Support
  • telephone 0300 303 1972 during opening hours of Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 0900 – 1730 and Tuesday and Thursday from 1100 – 1900.